If you’d like to add a link on your website to us, please follow the instructions below.


How to add a text link:

www.BalloonCelebrations.ca – Balloon decorations for every occasion
Simply copy and paste the following code into your website at the desired location

<a href="https://www.ballooncelebrations.ca" target="_blank"><b>www.BalloonCelebrations.ca - Balloon decorations for every occasion</b></a>


How to add an image link:





Simply copy and paste the following code into your website at the desired location

<a href="https://www.ballooncelebrations.ca" target="_blank"><img alt="balloons-toronto-link" src="https://www.ballooncelebrations.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/balloons-toronto-link.png" width="315" height="73" /></a>